Friday, May 11, 2012


Another trip out to the Dandenongs last Saturday and this time we were pretty determined to get to Sassafras via a different route.  We managed this time to not get lost too badly (some backtracking but not as bad as last time!)  However about 30 mins after stopping for lunch the clouds came rolling in and it started to get a lot colder and started to drizzle.  Given we don't have proper waterproof gear yet, we got out our 'hiking umbrellas' but after a bit of umming and ahhing we decided to turn back.  All up a 4 hour hike (similar to last time)  We have decided we really need to do some hard out 2 day trips up Feathertop or Bogong as we are about than 10 weeks away from the BIG trip (which is pretty scary to think about!!)
Here are some pics from the Dandenong trip anyhoo and the trees are very pretty and Autumny at this time of year.  The pics really don't do the colours justice:

We have quiz night number two coming up this Wednesday at the Fitzroy Bowling Club.  We are hoping to get more people along this time.  We have some great prizes including a $50 voucher from JB Hi Fi, a $50 voucher from Myer, 2 x Grilled vouchers of 2 x burgers and chips and some movie vouchers from Nova Cinema.  It's $15 on the door and there is a pretty good bistro menu available including a lentil burger for those vegos like me!  Old Mout has kindly donated some delicious 750ml bottles of cider to add to our winning team prize this time around, and Huxtable restaurant on Smith St has donated a $100 voucher which will be up for grabs at Quiz III on June 13th.  Thanks Huxtable!

Here's Anton's ace flier:

I am also organising and curating (with an awful lot of help from my friend and fellow Real Hot Bitch Teleesh) a silent art auction at Conduit Arts on Brunswick Street on Thursday 31 May.  We have had some incredible artworks donated by some very talented and very generous artists from both NZ and Melbourne.  Here is the flier designed by yours truly (I am very proud of the scrambled mountains which was actually just a freak Photoshop thing that happened when I flattened the image but I kinda like it cos it makes me look more creative and talented than I actually am):

We have over 25 works donated including work from Tai Snaith, Vexta and Stephen Templer and I am now trying to suss a beer sponsor (easier said than done!!)  Worst comes to worst there will be white wine, mulled red wine and sparkling water.

I really need to make over $1500 from this to reach my target so fingers crossed!  I have been promoting it hard out so we shall see.

Anton got his vaccinations for Africa the other day, $285 and a sore arm later and he is immune from all sorts of diseases including Thypoid and Yellow Fever.  It's my turn next with my appointment booked for Monday.  I am more worried about the hurt to my credit card than the hurt to my arm!!  haha

We have also lined up some sausage sizzling at Smith St Safeway for 3 weekends.  The manager promises we'll make at least $500 a day so we shall see.  It will prob be the first BBQ of it's type which will include vege sausages and I think Anton is secretly keen to get his BBQ on, especially as it's mid May and the next op to BBQ will prob only rear it's head again in another 6 months or more!

Oh yes, and if you have some coinage / cash to spare that you would like to give to a good cause, please do help me reach my $5000.00 target for Amnesty.  Not only will you get a tax deductible receipt, but you will be helping Amnesty International work their magic around the world fighting for people's human rights.

Here's the link, (every cent counts):

That's all folks!

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